About Us
Our roots are in the alternative trade movement in the north east of England and we draw support from across the UK and beyond. We work in partnership with networks of workers, farmers and social entrepreneurs in South Asia and East Africa to transform trade so that everyone benefits. Our focus areas are Fashion, Tea and Farming. We used to be known as Traidcraft Exchange.

Wherever possible, the people who are directly experiencing injustice in trade lead our work.
Local people bring knowledge, skills and energy to the table, while we bring resources, ideas and connections. It’s an aspirational, equal partnership that is committed to positive change.
Many non-profits give things away - like food, medicine, tools and seeds. While this is great in many ways, the power is always in the hands of the giver.
True, long-term change requires a different approach.
We partner with people who are experiencing injustice in trade. Together we use the power of trade to solve real life problems. We build and make use of local skills wherever possible - until our support is no longer needed at all.

We believe in justice for all people. The global trade system and legacy of colonialism has resulted in power and wealth being concentrated in the hands of a few. Wherever possible, we take our lead from people with direct experience of injustice in trade, and work together as a global community for trade that values people over profit. We work with communities who have done least to cause global climate change and yet are suffering the most.
We believe in the value and dignity of all people. Trade and business can generate wealth and enable people to thrive. But trade cannot be an end in itself, and needs to be transformed so that everyone benefits. Together we speak and act with communities who are facing the devastation caused by climate change and environmental destruction. Within our organisation, we value the contribution of each of the people who works with us. We are striving to be an inclusive organisation where we celebrate diversity and all feel welcome and included.
We are accountable to the people who make our work possible – the partners and communities with whom we work, as well as the people and organisations who entrust us with their money. Being accountable means acknowledging our own power as an organisation which was founded in the global north, benefits from northern funding and is predominantly English-speaking. We will actively seek to shift power to the communities we worth with, recognising that this process will be long term and on-going.
We believe in the power of working with others. Transform Trade is a small organisation with huge ambitions which cannot be achieved alone. We know that we do not have all the answers, and the communities and partners we work with are the experts in the problems they face and the solutions they need. Together, we need to listen and support their priorities, and challenge the imposition of ‘top down’ solutions. As well as local communities, we also partner with ethical businesses and non-profit organisations around the world.
We have hope – and we are determined to have an impact and make a difference. While we are honest about the state of the world – where millions of people pay the price for the wealth of others – we believe that a better world is possible. We see the problems, but focus on the solutions. We are prepared to critique governments and businesses, but will also work with them to bring about the change we seek. We will never stop seeking ways to transform trade so that everyone benefits.